The term brand brings to mind the picture of expensive dresses, bags, shoes, and accessories. But seldom do we fathom the fact that we can be a brand too. Mainak Dhar has enticed the readers with his thrillers but this time he steals the heart with his no ...
Fast-Paced, Cliffhanger – Daylight by David Baldacci
For a David Baldacci lover, Atlee Pine's journey to find the truth about her sister is a thrilling and nail-biting unputdownable wait. For any reader, it is the same. The review of the book can be wrapped up in these two lines. Daylight is the reading ex ...
Blood curling, Thrilling, Entertaining – The most notorious jailbreakers by Abeer Kapoor
There have been innumerable movies based on the jailbreaks of notorious criminals. Some of them were inspired by real stories like " Catch Me if You Can'. Nonetheless, a book that features the most dangerous, notorious, and unbelievable jailbreaks i ...
Music Of Words – Poetry Garden by Trinankur Bera
Poetry is the music of literature. Like the different genres of music poetry to have various versions that could entice different sections of readers. Poetry Garden by Trinankur Bera is like melodious music.Melodious poetry - Poetry GardenWhen words screa ...
Jasmine By Sanjay Desai – The fictional self help book
Self-help books are a rage these days. More so after the pandemic loom is all over. The boom of self-help books has been a steep curve but often the books fail to connect to practical life. The detachment from reality makes them good to read but tough to ...
Popular Indian Fairy Tales by Stuti Gupta – Reading, thinking and acting
We have grown up hearing fairy tales. Our minds, as children are moulded based on the messages and morals given in the tales. Gone are the days, when we used to believe every story from our grandparents, believed them blindly. The kids these days are far ...
Real Stories of Depression by Amrita Tripathi and Arpita Anand – Book Marathon Book 7
When feeling sad or happy is not in anyone's control, it feels helpless. Tears flow without a reason but we would not be able to control them. Amidst the crowd, we feel alone and disoriented. What could it be Real stories of dealing with depression ...
Understanding Hinduism by Kandiah Sivalokanathan
Hinduism, the term brings to mind the picture of a diya, prasad, pooja, beat, idol worship and of late Islamophobia. These are the ideas reinforced inside the psyche of the masses by a few interested parties. Understanding Hinduism is a book that topples ...
The Girl Next Door By Arpit Vageria – Love, reality, imaginations and literature
Indian love stories have been treading the same path for years now. A trend that has been set with the love at first sight, silly fights, filmy romance followed by an issue that separates the love birds and finally uniting - This pattern has been overwork ...
26/11 Braveheart – The Tale Of Peseverance, Patriotism And Pain
The night of November 26, when we were all indulged in the dreamy world a set of commandoes from different departments were fighting for their nations, for the civilians, and for their own life. Praveen Kumar Teotia was doing all of the above. He was fig ...