We have had gone through several business manuals and self help books. Be a leader, rule the world, the titles vary. But eventually they all come down to the same preset principles. While I was reading Art of War by Sun Tzu, I was reveling in the marvelou ...
Netaji by Krishna Bose – Subhash Chandra Bose’s Life, Politics and Struggle
Netaji has always been an enigma for me. What we know about him is half-cooked knowledge that has been propagated by many historians who have derived secondary data about this mysterious hero. However, to read it from someone who is up close to Neta ...
Martian Geista by Jackie Sheldon – Dystopian, Futurustic, Thrilling
Living on Mars is no longer a scenario that is impossible. We know that in a few years to come, humans will be seen shuttling to and from Mars. Jackie Sheldon through a breathtakingly realistic dystopian book Martian Geista has visualized the scenar ...
Little Yogis are Building a Healthy Future – Global Little Yogis by Barkha Sharma
Yoga has been the answer to many physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual inconsistencies. For centuries, our gurus have been imparting knowledge. However, quite often than not, yoga has been tagged as an exercise mode for adults. Very little has ...
Keep Your Retrospective Nerves Active with The Affair by Danielle Steel.
When Danielle Steel holds the reign of a story, the female characters are sure to get an edge. When all protagonists are women, then the reading becomes a pleasurable process. Through the eyes of Rose, Nadia, Venetia, Athena, and Olivia we see ...
Invincible, Patriotic and Enchanting – The Hero of Tiger Hill by Capt (Hony) Yogendra Singh Yadav
For the longest time, we have been connecting War to the First and Second World Wars. Further, we had India Pakistan war and Indo China war to refer to. But the current generation has the Kargil War in mind when we say War in India. Hence when I got ...
How to Deal with Nature – Living Mountains by Amitav Ghosh is an Eye Opener
A tiny book that can be read in an hour or two gives us content to mull over for months. Amitav Ghosh presents this magic for the readers through his no-nonsense, simple yet majestic craft Living Mountains.Living Mountains by Amitav GoshDescriptionT ...
Get Your Business Digitised and Profitable – Digital First
When it comes to business books, they have a preset pattern. Most of the books tread into a textbook pattern. While they help enable the readers to learn, they lack the finesse to provide the potential to pragmatically empower the readers. Digital F ...
Five Reasons Why You Must Read 5 AM Club by Robin Sharma
What time do you wake up? Does your wake-up time determine your performance? If I was asked these questions a year or two ago, my answer would have been No. But once I embarked on the wellness journey I realized how important it is to wake up early. ...
Effervescent, Gruesome Yet Calm – Death in Shambles by Stephen Alter
The Himalayas and their foothills incite the feeling of calmness, purity of the air, and the ambiance of serenity in the mind of anyone who hears and reads about it. A perfect retreat for a retired police officer to build a cocoon of silence away fr ...