The Surrogate Lies by Shantanu Munshi- Review

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Name          – Surrogate Lies
 Author                 – Shantanu Munshi
 Publisher              – Half Baked Beans
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Pulling off an off-beat plot is not an easy job. To have the courage to come up with one should be applauded. Shantanu Munshi has come up with the courage and has delivered an unconventional yet interesting Voyage story.
The book is the story of Paul and Hazare and a few characters that join them on their journey. How Paul and Hazare meet and become more or less best friends is depicted in a quirky fashion. To define the book with the theories of review is impossible. The author has taken a major risk here since the reviews he could get would be on both poles. The readers who like it would love it to an extreme level but that font like the book will hate it on the other extreme.
The narration is the highlight of the book. The author has adopted a quirky yet fast-paced fashion to narrate the tale. The plot is basically a trip that the two protagonists go for and what happens in between. The pace could not be maintained and hence the graph drops in between. 
The success of the book will give many authors the courage to try out something new and unique and hence the author gets the brownie points for setting a benchmark.


Different but interesting

Scenario:   4 /5
Narration:  4 /5
Character:   4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5
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