Baaz by Anuja Chauhan- Review

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Name          – Baaz
 Author                 – Anuja Chauhan
 Publisher              – HarperCollins
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Life of Indian Air Force officers has been an unexplored topic in Indian Literature. There have been a lot of books that depict the personal lives but on the professional level; lot have not been written apart from some non-fiction books about wars. And hence, by bringing forth the same to the readers, author has done a commendble job.

Baaz is the story of Ishaan Faujdaar, a farm boy from Chakkahera, Haryana. Noone expected him to rise to such a height that he would end up as one of the sought after Airforce officer who flies a gnat. He is nicknamed ‘Baaz’  which translates to eagle, in respect of his impeccable skill in bringing down the “Sabres”. On a personal mission delegated to him by his superior wherein he had to trace his superior’s neice, Tinka, Ishaan finds his love of his life. But nothing comes to him easy nor does his love. How Ishaan and Tinka fall apart? How Ishaan plays an important role in the India-Pak war in 1971? Will the lovers reunite? All these questions form the crux of the plot.

Author has started off well with the background of Ishaan and hence, his becoming an air force officer comes out as a surprise to the readers. His studies and how it takes a turn are not dealt with in detail. It could have been an inspiration to many had it been delved more but it would make an already lengthy book a gigantic and unfinished work. Hence it could be chucked. The relationship between Ishaan and colleagues, stepfather, sisters and Tinka have been given equal space respectively and hence the plot develops at different levels.Ishaan’s character is quite likeable but in an attempt to make him an adorable hero, author has gone too far and hence it seemed a little forced attempt. 

The book could not be compared with the author’s previous works since the book doesn’t qualify as a chick lit anywhere. Moreover it is a male oriented, yet female plays equal role type of book. Once the war sets in, the whole plot comes live but the pace could not be maintained with consistency.

Overall the book is an interesting read.


Life of Airforce officers during war without the boredom of non-fiction.

Scenario:   4 /5
Narration    :   4/5
Character   :   4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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