Time crawlers by Varun Sayal-Review

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Book Name          – Time Crawlers
 Author                 – Varun Sayal
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Aliens have always been a mystery for human beings. People from another planet incite the curiosity irrespective of the generation or demographics. So does time travelling and other science fiction topics. Varun Sayal has come up with a collection of stories that will grab the readers who love fantasy.
Time crawlers is a collection of stories that target a group of fantasy lovers. The first story Eclipse is about the extraterrestrials that infiltrate our planet. Author has served a unique mix of fantasy and literature. The second story Death by Crowd is an interview with an organiser of an event where in people set themselves ablaze in front of a crowd who has paid for it. The story is eerie and gut wrenching. Genie is a hilarious and the most entertaining story in the book. It is a conversation between Marco and an ultra modern Genie. The title story Time Crawlers is a conversation between Jokie and a Historical scientist. The twist in the climax was unexpected and breaks the monotonous pattern. The next story called the cave is also a conversation between a General and consultant about a magical cave wherein noone entered the cave has come out alive. The last story Nakh-astra is yet another fantasy in the background of a Warfield. Author has successfully brought about a historical ambience in the same.
The stories have a medium yet consistent pace. The style of narration is also going along with the overall mood of the book. The book is brimful of fantasy and author has kept everything in the right meter. Notwithstanding the repetitive pattaern in a few stories, author has managed to pull off an engaging book.
A cocktail of fantasy, science, dystopian and fiction.
Scenario:   4 /5

Narration    :   4/5

Character   :   4/5

Entertainment Quotient: /5
This review is in return of a free book from the author  
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