It Happens by Karan Sharma -Review

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Name          – It Happens
 Author                 – Karan Sharma
 Publisher              – Notion Press
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My Review
Rating : 3.0

Love is blind but is love ageless? The question is very relevant in the current scenario in a country like India which is going backwards these days when it comes to narrow-mindedness. Even now we can see people who frowns if a boy and girl hugs, even now people stare at the legs of a girl wearing short dress, cleavage of a woman wearing deep neck tops. Apparently the condition is deteriorating through time. It is in such a scenario that Karan Sharma has come up with a unique love story of a twenty five year old Gautam and thirty seven year old Roshni.

Rohith is shocked to see that the generally shy Gautam propose to forty year old Briganza. His surprise soars high when he learns that what he saw was apparently a trial before proposing to Roshni who is their boss as well as a thirty seven year old lady, nearly twelve years elder to Gautam. Rohit tries make his friend see sense and barrage him with questions regarding the problems that could prop up between the duo because of their age difference. Gautam pretends to ignore his best friend but what he had said did make a mark in Gautam’s conscience, which in turn forces him to recheck his decision to skip his on site assignment in Singapore. He leaves India without giving an explanation to Roshni. Life in Singapore makes him realise the depth of his love for Roshni. Will Gautam go back to her? Will his family accept her? Will their love overcome the age barrier? The rest of the book gives us the answers.

The plot itself is different from the usual puppy love and the topic has a lot of possibilities, being an almost untouched area in fiction. The beginning of the book is interesting. Introducing Rohit and presenting Gautam through his eyes is refreshing start. The conversation between friends regarding the future of the relationship is also up to the point. Each point put forth by Rohit is the representation of the apprehension that is bound to form in the mind of the readers. Gautam’s dilemma regarding his future is well conveyed. But thenceforth author loses the grip of the narration. Gautam’s closeness with Payal could have been portrayed differently. Boy kissing a girl mistaking her for his girlfriend is an overused scenario and quite difficult to absorb in the current era. While Gautam realises his love for Roshni, it is heart-melting. Later when Roshni’s friend Sonal gives her a class, being a woman myself,how things put forward did not go down well with me as a reader. How would a thirty seven year old woman be termed as an ageing lady and her health is taking its toll and related arguments? If it is so, how would Gautam be active when he is forty eight. These two contradictory statements were like an eye sore for me. A woman in her thirties is ageing and a man in his forties active. How is it so?

Thankfully author has spared us of the unwanted making out sequences unlike other books of this genre. This will earn some brownie points from me. The narration is simple yet engaging. Author has done good amount of homework and the editors have done a decent job as well. Author could have utilised the possibilities of the fantastic plot in a better way.

Overall the book is a not so unique portrayal of a unique plot.

This review is in return of a free book from the WritersMelon

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