Confessions of a Software Techie by Ramakrishna Reddy- Review

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Name          – Confessions of a Software Techie
 Author                 – Ramakrishna Reddy
 Publisher              -Create Space Indepedent Pub
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My Review
Rating : 4.5

If I am asked to define the book
in a sentence, I would like to say that this is the book that I would want to
gift my kids when they grow up. From professional to personal, author has dealt
variety of topics. My point of reference with the author was his book ‘The Utlimate
Speaking Survival Guide’ and hence I was expecting a small upto the point
creation about IT companies, which could be finished in a few hours or a day.
Author has apparently surprised me with this creation which is a far cry from
the concise abstract.

The introduction itself is a
pointer about what to expect further. What impressed me the most is the brief
account of author’s relation with his father, who always used to say ‘ No’,
which, the author positively
recognises as a tactic to handle the harsh
realities of the real world. This is what the current mollycoddled generation
lacks the most.
The first chapter, Ten lessons
not taught in class is an eye opener for everyone, irrespective of the age and
experience. The fact that every employee need to be a salesman is applicable to
everyone, through which author implies that everyone should sell themselves to
the employer. The qualities of honesty and humility are analysed and presented
in a fresh perspective. Author tells why solution is important not the problem.
The cardinal rules specifies the
professional and interpersonal tips for the employees. Next chapter is about prioritising
and explains how to get more done with less.
The next chapter how to write
effective emails tops my priority list. In the current scenario when all
the correspondence is through emails, it is quite relevant that everyone should
know the dos and don’ts. The next chapter ‘Speak sense into your listeners’ is
an abstract of his Book ‘Public Speaking’. Chapter six is the most important
book, which is the prime representative of the title. The second part of the
book is about the personal life. The second part is substantially a big brother’s
advice to the younger ones, and the same could not be counted relevant in the
whole concept of the book.
The book is relevant not only to
the techies but to the people working in other areas as well. The title could
be Confessions of an employee or something of the similar sort because the
current title will thin out the target readers. Overall the book is a good deal
for the Indians in the digital format since getting the paperback from the global
store will cost you a good fortune.

This review is in return of a free book from the author

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