The one apart by Justin Avery

Details: Book Title: The One Apart by Justine Avery Category: Adult fiction, 568 pages Genre: Sci-fi & Fantasy / Paranormal Publisher: Justine Avery Release date: Dec 4, 2017 Tour dates: Nov 20 to Dec 8, 2017 Content Rating: PG-13 Book Descri ...

~ Cover Reveal-You Came Like Hope

~ Cover Reveal ~ Title: You Came Like Hope Author: Jyoti Arora Word length: 53,000 words Genre: Contemporary Fiction / Contemporary Romance Blurb: Peehu: “I heard them mourn my death. I lay in the next room. Motionless, silent, and sta ...

In conversation with Braham Singh.

It's a perk for the reviewers to get connected with too many talented writers. Today I find myself lucky to get to know about Braham Singh, author of Bombay Swastika  published by Om Books. Since I could not hold my anxiety, without much ...