Interview with Antony Avina

Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing Anthony Avina, author of VOID. Hi Anthony Thank you for agreeing to this interview. No problem. Thank you for taking the time to talk with me. Always a pleasure to talk to fellow book enthusiast ...

Review of VOID by Anthony Avina

VOID AUTHOR: ANTHONY AVINA Published October 1st 2015 Kindle Edition, 226 Pages Author Anthony Avina brings to life his first ever romantic/drama story in his new novella, VOID. VOID follows six friends living in Los Angeles, CA. Each of the ...

The dragon flies of 21st century

During my childhood, there was this cruel game where in kids catch the dragon flies and tie a thread on their legs and make them lift stones. We were not aware of the animal rights or insect rights, for that matter. Through time, due to the interventio ...

Rise of Kali. a review

Paperback: 530 pagesPublisher: Platinum Press (29 July 2015)Language: English After reading Ajaya1 , I could not hold myself from reading Ajaya2, out of curiosity to know how the author leads the story line further from Suyodhana's po ...