Lights! Scalpel! Romance! By Jas Kohli

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There have been many books with the doctors’ life as the background. Primarily the books could be categorized as out-and-out doctors’ books or romances in the background of doctors’ stories. Lights! Scalpel! Romance! is one such book that balances the doctor’s story with romance.

Lights! Scalpel! Romance! By Jas Kohli

Nipun joins Nirog hospital with a lot of dreams and expectations but his feeling gets hurt when he learns that the junior doctors are taken for a ride. The Dean of the hospital Dr. Ujjwal is ruthless yet highly skilled and brilliant. Nipun tries to be in his good books with a little bit of sycophancy but all his expectations topple over when every effort of his fails. He tries his luck in romance with Nishta but his effort in love also fails miserably. Nonetheless, Nipun doesn’t lose heart and tries again and again. To make it more complicated Rishi comes into the picture. What is Nipun’s future? The book gives the answer to the question.

Lights! Scalpel! Romance! invites readers to become a part of the fun side of hospital life, where a surgeon’s routine is akin to driving in a Formula One race every day.

The book is all about the characters

The book is not merely about Nipun. It is also about Dr. Anuroop a.k.a Candy who tries to outgrow Dr. Ujjwal, again to fail miserably. The book is also about the risks surgeons put themselves fronofff. For instance, before operating g an AIDS patient, they have to wear multiple gloves to avoid infection through any cuts.

The metaphors used by the author are all interesting. However, some of them failed to hit the bull’s eye and some failed miserably.

The book is a lighthearted reading experience. Nonetheless,s the author gets the readers to think deeply about the challenges faced by doctors. The vernacular narration makes sure that beginners could enjoy the book. The book is an easy read over a coffee.
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