Bonus by AJ Adams- Review

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Name          – TheBonus
 Author                 – A J Adams
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Bonus by AJ Adams- Review

An unnatural story of a girl who has been subjected to domestic abuse and a man who is doing dirty business. If one is a lamb, tha other is a lion. The combination is deadly yet unbelievably soothing. It is the tale of Kyle and Chloe. The readers could see how Kyle takes Chloe away from a nightmarish life and brings her to peace and how Chloe changes Kyle from an ogre to a human.


The lovemaking scenes as well as the violence are cringeworthy but for a reader who loves explicit literature, it is a feast. In an era where Fifty Shades of Grey becomes a blockbuster, Bonus fits well. The title is unique and surprises the readers who learn that Chloe is a Bonus for Kyle. How he finds her as a Bonus is for the readers to see themselves.

The narration that alternates between Kyle and Chloe is interesting. Notwithstanding the switch in narration, the continuity of the storyline is maintained throughout. Kyle’s character is confusing for he seems confused himself. To pull off such a complicated character is not a cakewalk. The author has mentioned in all promotions that the book is indeed for ‘Adults’. Hence the readers would never be misled and hence the chance of someone who reads the book not liking it is rare.


Loud, violent, explicit yet realistic.

Scenario:   4 /5

Narration:  4.5/5
Character:  4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4.5/5

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