Reminiscences of a Seeker by Kapil Kumar Bhaskar- Review

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Reminiscences of a  Seeker by Kapil Kumar Bhaskar- Review

Name          – Reminiscences of a Seeker
 Author                 – Kapil Kumar Bhaskar
 Publisher              – Angel Books
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In the quest for spirituality, many folks have been misled and fallen into the grip of pseudo-gurus, god-men. The book reminiscences of a Seeker is a pointer to such god-men and felons who assort to heinous measures to attain power.

The book is the real experience of Kapil Kumar Bhaskar. The plot starts off with his confrontation with his spiritual master  Ramanand Saraswati.  Keeping his past experiences with his previous masters he is hesitant but after seeing the divine aura, he decides to give it a try. His journey to his new master takes him to his past. As a child, he had several paranormal experiences and once he ventured into business, he faced continuous failure, which took him to Trilokenath, Tantric. Despite the intuition that something is not written, he ends up being the puppet in his hands. Further, he confronts several weird situations and finally manages to get himself free. Destiny takes him to another master who is even more wretched. What happens further is the crux of the story.
For a normal human being, it is unbelievable to comprehend paranormal activity to this extent. Some of the acts that the previous masters of the author conducted were illegal, which leaves the readers wondering why the protagonist refrained from reporting them to the police. The book is the mirror to black magic and related acts. It is an eye-opener to those who blindly follow the godmen. The style of narration is excellent. While the book takes off as a spiritual journey, it further develops as a take on Tantric practice and Aghori Babas. The climax leaves a chance for a sequel and hence gives an impression that a foray into spiritual enlightenment could be seen in the sequel.


Scenario:   4 /5

Narration:  4.5 /5
Character:   4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 3.5/5

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