In India- By Anushray Singh- Review

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Name          – In India, Everything is Sunshine and Rainbows
 Author                 – Anushray Singh
 Publisher              – Zorba Books
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My Review
Rating : 3.0

We, Indians, are proud of our cultural heritage. We speak highly about how our nations is always way ahead of the foreigners in terms of the culture and chastity. We turn a blind eye towards the rotting garbage or the blind corruption and all the inadequacies around. ‘It is all normal’ attitude has also become a part of our life. Anushray singh through his book, tells us that In India, everything is not Sunshine and Rainbows.
Author has addressed every problem that India faces these days and has pointed out the same with brutal honesty.

The lack of civic sense in the Indians and the need to include civic sense as a topic in school with the same importance as other subjects is a quite constructive suggestion. Author has studied India from its roots. From the Medical/Engineering fever to the justification of dowry system to the pathetic roads to even peeing in public, author has criticised everything through the book. One of the topic that deserve special mention is the plight of the LGBT community and how the movies and the television has portrayed them as sexual predators who preys on any man who comes their way. The failing quality of Indian cinema is another topic that is addressed. While the fact about the daily soaps is bang on, the same could not be counted for Indian movies. We should not forget the fact that our movies have bagged a lot of awards and accolades in the international film awards. The beggars and the cringe-worthy news channels are the other two prime topics which should be mentioned. Further author has pointed out even the minor topics which, after reading, we would think ” Oh! This is so true. How did I miss this point?”

The North Indian view point is dominant throughout the book because some of the points mentioned are quite the opposite when you lives in the south, especially Kerala. For example refusal to halt in the red light. In Kerala we would not be able to see a single junction where the cars don’t halt at the red light. Likewise there are a lot of facts that don’t stand true to all parts of India because, India is vast.

While the facts mentioned in the book are true, there seems to be a judgemental attitude prevalent throughout the book. Being an Indian, we all need to project our country as the best to the rest of the world and when we see that the whole worms are let out of the can, it feels unpropitious. The courage of the author in admitting that he is doing an armchair activism is praiseworthy.
Overall the book addresses all the small and grave deficiencies of the society, a positive side could also have been depicted as a breather.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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