Happiness is All We Want by Ashutosh Mishra- Review

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Name          – Happiness is All We Want
 Author                 – Ashutosh Mishra
 Publisher              – Bloomsbury India
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All our life, we search for happiness. However rich or successfull you are, happiness might not come your way. Ashutosh Mishra, through his book ‘Happiness is All We Want’ shares the little big advice on how to be happy.

Divided into three parts- Physical, Mental and Spiritual well being, the book is a practical account on the author’s experience and findings. Author has quoted the experiences of himself and other, which make the book all the more relateable. Further the readers could see happiness stories which are the most helpful ones. The USP of the book is author’s take on the current techy scenario. How we are deviated from the realistic world and get engrossed in the virtual world thereby tampering our own happiness.

Author has shared the philosophies which otherwise we choose to ignore but in the background of the book, it seems quite fascinating and practical. The book is specially helpful for everyone who wants to be happy and peaceful. One does not have to make a visible effort to be happy. It is just that we should change how we think. 


The book is a good option for everyone who wants to be happy.

Narration    :  4 /5
Relevance   :   4.5/5
Research     :5/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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