Decoding Luxe by Mahul Brahma- Review

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Name         – Decoding Luxe

Author                  – Mahul Brahma
Publisher              – Srishti Publications
Number of Pages – 144
Publishing Year   -2017
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 175

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Rating : 4.0

My Review

Luxury is a word that attracts attention of everyone irrespective of the caste, creed, class, nationality or any classifications. The term itself is relative. For one owning a two wheeler is luxury, for another, owning a four wheeler is one, for one sedan , for another SUV, for one mercedes for another Roll royce and so on and so forth goes the importance of luxury indulgence. Author Mahul Brahma, in his book Decoding Luxe, lays bare the intricacies of indulgence towards luxury.

Author has attempted to bring to the readers the realities in the world of luxe. The luxury brands like LV, Gucci, Bvlgari, Rolex etc are coveted by millions of people. Some wants to own it for the brand value, some for its unique design, some for the aesthetics and some for mere flaunting. There has been an unprecedented urge to own luxury brands among every age groups. 

Indian community has always been a mass that provide importance to price value. This in itself should be the marketing tactics of the brands, is what the author tells them. Most of the Indians think if they buy a particular item of a particular brand, would it be worth the price spent. Author has reinforced the point by an interesting example of the exclusivity of asking the mileage of cars while assessing its worth.

A major obstacle for the high-end brands is the counterfeit trouble. Counterfeits can be replica, first copy or fake. While most people especially the Great Indian Middle Class (GIMC) think that instead of waiting forever to buy these brands, they would prefer having first copies which are as good as the original. But author states the for an expert it is easily identifiable. Author strongly despises the practice since these counterfeits are a set back to the hard work of each person behind the original.

The book is an asset to the buyers as well as sellers. It tells the buyers about the purpose and also the inside out of the brands. It tells the sellers how to pitch in to the Indian market. If you are someone who keenly follows luxury brands and their designs and also someone who buys these regularly, you must definitely grab a copy.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

About the author

Mahul is an award-winning communicator, columnist and luxury commentator. For over a decade, he has held senior editorial positions with The Economic Times, India partner of New York Times and CNBC TV18. His debut film as a lead actor was screened at the 69th Cannes Film Festival. He is currently heading communications and branding in a Tata Group company.

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