Poetic science fiction review of Genesis by Andreas Laurencius

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Book Name  
                :               Dr. Andreas Laaurencius
Genre                      :               Sci-Fi
Number of Pages    :                357
Publishing Date  
  :               September
               :               Kindle Edition
 13: 9781515057611         

Rating : 4.0

There is no good
or evil. We classify things into good and evil because we are currently unable
to solve the two problems of the world: death and dearth. If there ever comes a
time when we can solve these problems, we won’t be required to do this anymore.” 

For the
first time in history, the truth is out.

This story reveals to you the truth about reality
and the fabric of the universe, which up until now had been kept secret from

This book solves the enigmas that have perplexed
even the greatest thinkers of the world throughout the ages: what is soul, what
is human, what happens after we die, what law governs the universe.

From personal spiritual awakening to the grand
design of the world’s systems, from love stories to the realm of quantum physics,
this book carries you through time, from the beginning of consciousness to the
future, where the hidden-but-now-revealed truth holds.

If Jesus Christ was the one we read in the bible,
he couldn’t possibly be the Son of God. If Muhammad was the one we read in the
Quran, he couldn’t possibly be the Messenger of God. If Buddha thought and
acted the way we know from the many books, he hadn’t developed the true
awareness. If Hindu’s Gods liked to war the way we read in many books, then
their existence is questionable. Why? It’s simple, because the stories we read
about them showed that they didn’t know.

Genesis, on the other hand, knows.

For the first time, you will also be given the

1. Why the universe is infinite.
2. How to come up with the ultimate theory and get
rid of the discrepancies among theories, by giving the correct definition of
absolute distance, space, matter, and reality.

3. What actually happened in the beginning of the
universe: it was not big bang.

4. Whether parallel universes exist. What are
they? Can we go there?

5. That due to the new definition of space and
time, it is not possible to go to the future.

6. Why there isn’t any singularity inside a black

7. What gravity is.
8. Why scientists keep getting it wrong.
9. What soul is, and the reason why this world is
full of sufferings.

10. That there is no hell, and there is no heaven,
and ultimately the truth will be revealed against THE BIGGEST LIE IN THE WORLD
EVER, which has shaped the foundation of humanity from the very beginning of
its time.


Junhuan      :         The
protagonist; Scientist. Turthseeker
Andy, Ningzhen, Cordelia,
Henry, Takeshi: Junhuan’s Friends      
Avella         :         Junhuan’s
Farrah, Pyrrhia, Jolie,
Darlene : Posthuman children
Aedan         :         Junhuan’s
Tibetan master
Nala-2, Aigis, Heylel,
Avi : The real brains behind the genesis.       


The story happens in
2029. Junhuan leads a happy and excited life with his friends. The building Yu
Huang, which he designed is the talk of the world. Living a life searching for
the truth behind the existence of humanity and life, Junhuan travels through
several facets of life. Back home, a disaster awaits him along with his family
and friends. The Shy-9999 virus dishevels Junhuan’s universe and takes him to
another world of Gleis. What happens in the new world? What did he learn there?
How did he survive? What happens to his family? To get the answer to these
questions, grab a copy of the book.

My Review

     The book deals with
several topics. Philosophy, psychology, spirituality, biotechnology etc poetically. Author
tries to find the philosophical meaning of the scientific findings. This is an
enlightening book, which evokes the untouched areas of thought process. The
friendship between Junhuan and his friends is conveyed well to the readers
without any exaggeration. The idea of Yu Huang is quite imaginary. From a world
of science, author takes us to Tibet, the world of spirituality. Author
analyses the truth behind and the hollowness of years old beliefs. From the
intellectual and spiritual flow, author takes us back to another world of
unrest. The post human life is also depicted with an imaginative elegance. The book
deals several serious topics with  utmost
sincerity. The Shy-9999 attack cannot be casted out like just a Sci-Fi
imagination but these days bio war can be expected any second. A detailed account
of the life after death makes us think about the immaterial life and envisions
us of the reality of life.
violent adult is a stubborn child who has grown strong.

journey in the second chapter was a little bit longer than required. The Tibetan
journey could have been elaborated since the topic handled could not be
conveyed properly in a single chapter. The pace of the story is not steady but
due to the seriousness of the topic handled, the slow pace at certain chapters
can be justified.
is the ability to perceive nothingness as a sequence

One Liner

philosophical, spiritual, scientific fiction.
Avail the book from AMAZON
Reviewed for the author

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy
from the Author in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a
positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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