How to improve Healthcare Quality

The Age Of Scientific Wellness – A Book That Tells Us How To Improve Healthcare Quality

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Health is the state of being well and free from illness. Science has outgrown every expectation and medicines for every ailment have been in place and to improve healthcare quality. Longevity has touched heights and life expectancy is also high. But are we leading a quality life? In this era of AI, it is treating diseases enough. The Age of Scientific Wellness by Leroy Hood and Nathan Prince is a comprehensive study of how we should be proactive rather than reactive.

How to improve Healthcare Quality

How to improve healthcare quality – Leroy Hood and Nathan Prince don’t mince the words

The book aims at enabling us to optimize our health. With the suggestions of unprecedented techniques the authors open a new world of health in front of the readers. The world is open to treatment of symptoms and proudly beam in the technological advancements that we have never seen before. But are we indeed aware of the real ‘technology’ available to us? But extending our health span in comparison to the yester years are we indeed way ahead in science and technology? Apparently we are but we are not aware of the real cutting edge technology available to us. 

Only a minority knows that with AI empowered technology and genome sequencing, we can predict the disease years before the symptoms arise. With this technology, it is even possible to eliminate cancer and effectively address diseases like Alzheimer’s even before we know it. The sad reality is that only the rich and privileged have access to the technology as it is available at an exorbitant price. But don’t we deserve to know what is available for us.

The proactive steps to improve healthcare quality

The authors of the age of scientific wellness aim at providing the information at the fingertips of the readers. The information available in the book are priceless and I bet you would drop your jaw to know that some of the dystopian fantasies are indeed a reality. However the authors identify the reality that we are not ready for a robot overload and urges to find an interim solution.

The language of the book is too technical for a layman to process. If someone with no knowledge about the medical field reads this, they will be lost among the jargons. For someone who is keen at knowing the advancement in the medical and scientific field the book is a treasure to keep. With the slow pace of information flow, the book is sure to remain relevant for another two decades. An important highlight of the books is that it gives us practical solutions which we can try right away – diet, exercise, sleep and stress management. Also if we have any known family history we could try to alter our lifestyle to prepare ourselves for an impending lifestyle disorder. The book holds so vast information that the readers would have something or the other to relate to with respect to their loved ones or the ones they know.

No medicine is better than ineffective medicine

While I deal with my clients of wellness programs, some of them chose to ditch their medicine and go forward with the wellness routine. However, I suggested them to continue their medication as I was no one to decide on the possible positive or negative repercussions. However, some of them felt better without medications and some had to go back to their psychiatrists. While I reviewed Young Mental Health by Meera Haran Alva and Amrita Tripathi, we also came across various case studies.This forced me to zero in that sometime ditching the medicine can be helpful but not always.

The authors bravely challenged the inefficacy of some medicines and despite having the risk of a painful final days the author’s partner stopped the medicines and got better. However , the discretion of the readers is imperative in this case and it would be puerile to reach an assumption without reading through the book. With a careful approach the book could help you look out for various avenues to improve healthcare quality especially for terminal illnesses like cancer and neurodegenerative conditions like Alzheimer’s.

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