Secret Book Santa and Book Marathon – Two New Campaigns by Outset Books

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 Outset books have been at the forefront when it comes to bringing the readers closer to each other as well as to books and authors. Be it book marathon or top reviewers we have made sure to give the maximum return on the time your invest in our activities. Every year we come up with a new activity in addition to the already going one. This year would not be different. We have a new campaign up for the month of December. Secret Book Santa

Secret Book Santa

Secret Book Santa

Like the secrets Santas that we follow in our education and professional institutions we have the same system but with books. 
You will get a book on your favorite genre from them and also your Santa will get a book on their favorite genre from your end. Isn’t that an amazing avenue? Click the button below to sign up
Sign up
By signing up, you agree to the following
1. To send the book to your Book Santa
2. To share your book picture on any of your social media channels as a story/post
3. Give due credit to Outset Books.

The idea of Secret Book Santa is to bring you back to your childhood, to spread love, and to bring about the feeling of oneness. Our life is short, let us bring the maximum out of it. 

Book Marathon Season 4

Book Marathon 4

The last three years saw the growth of Book Marathon from an attempt of 6 members to 30 people participating in the book marathons. It has always been a pleasant satisfaction to see that the members are finally getting a return in terms of traffic, ranking, etc. An added pleasure is when the members are urged to read more books thereby breaking the reading block too.
So are you ready to run for the books? Click below to sign up
Sign up

How to participate?

  • You have to post on alternative days (only book review/ author interview)
  • You have to comment (10-word comment) on all entries of the day within 24 hours. 
  • You have to put a disclaimer “This post is a part of Book Marathon by Outset Books” with a backlink to
  • If you are an Instagrammer, tag @outsetbooks and @rakhijayashankar in the posts instead of backlink.
Here are the two new campaigns from us. Participate and connect with fellow bloggers. You can also join our Outset Book Club

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