Reaching for Kloud9 by Ruskin Bond- Review

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Name          – Reaching for Kloud9
 Author                 – Anthology
 Publisher              – Srishti Publications
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A collection of prize-winning short stories of teenagers- The book will never disappoint anyone.

Reaching for Kloud9 is a collection of stories by kids who have won competitions at the Junior and Senior levels from 2015 to 2017.  The stories are all innocent yet with good language. Some of the stories that got third prize were better than the ones that got first prize. When it comes to XI std it is evident that the emotional quotient goes high. 

The mastery of English of some of the kids was amazing. The book is an asset to your collection as it could be enjoyed by all age groups of readers.

The forward written by Ruskin Bond is used to promote the book. Writing his name in big fonts to create the illusion that he wrote the book is a little tricky

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