Life in the Sunshine by T.Satish- Review #BlogchatterA2Z

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Name          – Life in the Sunshine
 Author                 – T. Sathish
 Publisher              – Notion Press
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Life of cricketers have been a matter of curiosity for laymen. Any book about too cricketers are sure to hit the bestseller lists. However, it is a matter of fact that there are thousands or lakhs of folks who are talented and bred the dreams of being a professional cricketer but due to several circumstances could not pursue it.

We all have seen boys or men who are addicted to cricket and despite all odds they still manage to watch the matches and wives who are fed up of this madness.

‘Life in the sunshine’ is a book about the three friends who are called Triple Sundae Gang. They played cricket in their locality and have decided to take the road to victory but unfortunately, their dream doesn’t seem to materialise. What prevents their dream from being fulfilling? What happens to their lives? How do they end up in their life?

The book is an engaging memoir with strips of imagination. The incidents are relatable to all the cricket lovers irrespective of which era they belong to. The genre of the book is niche and hence would be suitable to those who enjoy cricket


For all cricket lovers

Scenario:   4 /5

Narration    :  4/5
Relevance   : 4/5
Research     :4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from WritersMelon

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