How To Work With And Lead People Not Like You by Kelly McDonald- Review #BlogchatterA2Z

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Name          – How To Work With And Lead People Not Like You
 Author                 – Kelly McDonald
 Publisher              – Pan McMillan
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No matter where we are, we get to meet people who are not like us. How we deal with them is important. Kelly McDonald, through her book ‘How to Deal With And Lead People Not Like You’ tells us how to deal with people who are not like us.

The book is a systematically set account on dealing with challenges in life. Be it office or college or home everyone would be different and we have to deal with different people. The book, though a corporate guide could be applied anywhere in real life. Author first discusses the three points to be noted in the first place- Breaking the ice, focusing on the person and Finding what is common. Author tells the importance of the four magical words ” I need your help”. Author analyses various combinations of scenarios like what to do, what not to, working with people who don’t speak English, dealing with prejudice etc.

Author has included several real life examples of successful people who have tactically dealt with people who are not like them and whom they hate as well. The book could be counted as a management book as well as a self help book in general


Corporate as well as personal guide.

Scenario:   4 /5

Relevance   : 4 /5
Research     :4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher. The review is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 

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