Elephants In the Room by Charlene Wexler

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Name          – Elephants in the room
 Author                 – Charlene Wexler
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Elephants in the Room is a collection of stories. Each story has a touching storyline and develops through the length of the story. It is divided into five sections- Coming of age, Family and friends, Passing Parade, Animal Magnetism and Senior moments.

The characters are all real and lively. Charlene Wexler has connected with the readers through the effortless writing style and realistic story lines. Author takes us through the lives of several relatives and friends that we all have. The stories are quirky, touching, relateable and haunting all at the same time.

While some stories are easy reads, some are deep and thought provoking. Nonetheless all the stories are invariably high literature.


Scenario:   4 /5
Narration    :   4/5
Character   :   4/5
Relevance   :   4/5
Research     :4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  
The Review is part of #BlogchatterA2Z Challenge 2019

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