Mango People in Banana Republic by Vishak Shakti- Review

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Name          – Mango people in Banana Republic
 Author                 – Vishak Shakti 
 Publisher              – Niyogi Books
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A cosmopolitan ultra modern corporate habitat where the manager indulges in a “colleagues with benefits” treaty with his junior’s girlfriends. The junior being denied the deserved promotion feels dejected. Anyone would expect a plot of revengeful plans from the junior to sabotage the Manager’s career. But Vishak Shakti has thought out of the box to bring forth an intellectual tale that, effortlessly displays a palpably soothing journey of mind.

The book is divided into seven parts corresponding to the seven chakras. The protagonist Ravi’s experience during the Yoga and meditation practice is encouraging to aspiring Yogis. When Ravi ditches his job and wealth, there is a strange feeling of concurrence generated in the mind if readers. Author has explored the deep desire of every human being to be liberated and eventually happy. Anand, the physicist too leaves behind everything in search of soul.

The experience with Ravi is more realistic and relatable. The fact that he reaches his destinations in a stage by stage manner provides credibility to the whole scenario. Author has made the plot lively with his quirky narration. The communion of humor and spirituality is the highlight of the book. The entry of Madhu is a deviation from the plot. Notwithstanding the social relevance of the part, it was a mismatch in the whole mood of the book.


An entertaining book that will cling on to our psyche.

Scenario:   4 /5
Narration    : 4  /5
Character   :   4/5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from WritersMelon  

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