Then the doorbell rang by Capri Jalota

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Name         – Then the doorbell rang

Author                  – Capri Jalota
Publisher              – Leadstart Publishing Pvt Ltd
Number of Pages – 395
Publishing Year   -2017
Edition                  -349

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Rating : 4.0

My Review

‘Love is a feeling that brings happiness in your heart and soul. ‘ The quote is soothing to hear and read but reality is different. Love is not always about flowers and music. There is a different reality about love and lovers.

Capri Jalota, through his book ‘Then the doorbell rang’ brings to light, four love stories that are different from each other. The love story of Jane and Uday, Uday and Radha, the love story of Jane’s parents and one more love story that I would not want to divulge, in order to avoid a spoiler. The book tells us how different the reality is from dreams. Both Jane and her parents have a strained relation post marriage, which makes her realize that life is a mirage that doesn’t always gives us the answers to our unexplored dilemmas. I wouldn’t dwell much into the suicide part.

After a bitter relation with her father, Jane’s mother behaves tough with Jane, to strengthen her as a woman and to learn to stand up to herself. Jane, who misunderstands this as lack of love and care, hates her mother, till one day, precisely on her birthday which falls on the New year, Jane’s mother leaves her husband and daughter to live for herself, after a candid confession. She asks her daughter not to fall in love, not to surrender her dreams to any man and not to forget her self worth. But life has something else in store for Jane, who falls in love with and marries a person whom she knows only for two weeks. Post marriage Jane realizes that her mother was right. Her husband Uday is not longer the one she loved. After four years of restraint, she finally decides to leave Uday, when a tragedy strikes Jane’s life. What is the tragedy? What changed Uday? Will Jane and Uday part ways? 

The tale is melancholic, and palpable. Author has succeeded in tugging the right string in the heart of the reader. A painful feeling is evident all through the book. The narration and language is powerful and a literary bliss. The language is simple yet enchanting. The characters are realistic and self empowered. Each character is crafted with finesse. The entertainment quotient of the book depends on how much you value the realistic appeal of a story. If you are looking for a puppy love story, the book might not appeal to you but if you are interested in deep emotions depicted without any exaggeration, this is the right book for you. 

About the author

Passion is elixir for the soul’ – this is Capri’s mantra for a happy and fulfilling life. He lives this everyday, in everything he does. He developed a passion for writing and plunged fearlessly into it. This book bears the hallmark of his commitment to his passion. 

Human behaviors have always intrigued him. He believes that we are a product of both our circumstances and our choices. Whilst circumstances are often outside our control, how we react to them is very much a conscious and voluntary action. And that ultimately shapes not just us but also our relationships. Our choices and decisions define the role we play in the lives of everyone around us. Sometimes, small gestures can make a big difference. It is this thought which he has tried to encapsulate and portray in his first novel. 

Capri is from Chandigarh and has studied Management at IIM Ahmedabad. He has worked for over 13 years in reputed organizations like Maruti Suzuki, Tata Strategic Management Group, Fortis Healthcare and KIMS, across India and the Middle East, before he decided to pen his first novel. 

Capri is also an avid numismatist with a collection of over 1000 coins from 100+ countries.

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