The Great Indian Bowel Movement by Piyush Jha

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Name         –
The Great Indian Bowel Movement

Author                  –Piyush Jha
Publisher              – Juggernaut Books
Number of Pages – 33
Publishing Year   – 2017
Edition                  – e-book

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Rating : 3.0

My Review

An election campaign. The candidates of ruling party and the opposition are competing among each other to provide the best toilet services to the people. There is a major plot for an interesting satire.

Even after the Swach Bharat Movement, the Great Indian Bowel Movement has the most relevance. The author’s unbridled criticism of the political pseudo revolutionist shows is not lost on the readers. Author has also given an account of the Geo-political scenario between India and China. Author also takes a dig on the media for unduly blowing out of proportion anything and everything that comes their way.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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