Million Memories by Pallavi Kodan- Review

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Name         – Million Memories

Author                  – Pallavi Kodan
Publisher              – Patridge India
Number of Pages – 230
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 158.44

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Rating : 3.5

My Review

Million Memories is an anecdote of three friends Siddhant, Karishma and Ashima. Childhood friends always have a special position in our heart even thought we make as many friends as possible later on. Siddhant, Karishma and Ashima had been the threesome who were inseparable, who stood for each other, lent their shoulders for each other. Ashima is born and brought up in a liberal family , so is Siddhant. While Ashima-even after being a girl- and Siddhant enjoy the freedom, Karishma is subjected to gender bias in her own home.

Being a girl child, Karishma is not allowed to participate in dance competitions, or spend a day with her friends. The more we restrict our kids the more rebellious they become. Karishma slowly drifted from her family and friends and started building her own world of intoxication, lust and rickety relations. Slowly she started ignoring her friends. Another angle develops when Siddhant started developing feelings towards Karishma, which Ashima only knew.  Thenceforth the relations become more and more complicated. The story develops from the view point of Ashima but it is more or less Karishma’s story where Ashima and Siddhant supported in developing the plot. 

There are some light moments which brought smile on my face. For instance, the visit to Disneyland and the pranks that were played there. While some moments were effortlessly depicted, some seemed forced and failed to deliver the intended message. Ashima’s irritation towards Karishma’s behavior and attitude as well as Ashima’s efforts to conceal the annoyance failed to convey the depth of their relation. Transparency of their connection seemed lacking. 

The narration is vernacular and could have been worked more. A thorough rework on the grammar and punctuation is also needed. Overall the story is a simple, mono dimensional campus story with the cliched formula of love, friendship, heart break, betrayal, music, career and so and so. Thankfully author did not squeeze in unnecessary and annoying making out sequences. 

This review is in return of a free book from AuthorsChannel

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