A dog’s purpose by Bruce Cameron- Review

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Name         – A Dog’s Purpose

Author                  – W. Bruce Cameroon
Publisher              – Pan Macmillan
Number of Pages – 336
Publishing Year   -2017
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 4.5

My Review

As human beings, we all believe in fate. We all believe that we have a purpose in our life. But, do animals have a purpose? Bruce Cameroon brings to the readers the quest of a dog, about its purpose in life. 

Born as a stray dog, who was, according to his own presumption, named as Tod, the dog lives a short life, first in the streets, and then under the care of Senora. He cohabits with other dogs, each of different character and genetic make up. He, who is put to eternal sleep, wakes up in another scenario. He escapes the safe haven and through different hands, reaches the hands of Ethan, a cute little boy, who names him Bailey teaches him how to become a good dog. Trained by Ethan, Bailey starts the quest for his purpose as a dog. If being loved by Senora was the purpose of his first life, saving Ethan’s life or playing with him seems to be the purpose in the second life. Next he is born as a girl, Ellie, a search and rescue dog. And finally born as a dog which is to be abandoned to find his purpose in the life. I must say this is the first book which ended so well keeping up with the graph.

It is interesting to see how the thought process of a dog can be. While shredding the bed, while chewing on the shoes and while doing every seemingly harmless job that takes everyone by surprise or shock, for that matter. Bailey’s relation with Ethan, his parents, grand parents, friends and neighbors as well as other animals which include dogs, cats, horse, ducks etc takes the readers into a magically imaginative world. His take on human lives and relations is surprisingly so realistic. How the dog grasps the bits of words from what people talk. The warmth used to permeate to the readers while narrating Bailey’s life with Ethan.The graph drops when Ellie reaches her second master, Maya. That’s the only part of the book that failed to hook me.

 I have read one of the reviews of the book, that mentions that Bruce Cameroon was a dog in his previous life, might sound rude but there is no other way to express how perfect and genuine the narration and the story is.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

About the author

W. Bruce Cameron is the New York Times bestselling author of 8 Simple Rules for Dating My Teenage Daughter, which has turned into the hit television series. He has twice been voted the number one best humour columnist by the National Society of Newspaper Columnists and his nationally syndicated column in the US is read by more than three million readers every week. He lives in California.

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