A Time to Burnish by Radhika Nathan-Review

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Name         – A Time to Burnish

Author                  – Radhika Nathan
Publisher              – Kiwi Books
Number of Pages – 282
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback 
                    – 300

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Rating : 3.5

My Review

What will we expect from a book dealing with South Indian Iconography and Chola Dynasty? Boring long texts on history and archaeology? Then, that notion is a stark departure from the theme of the book . A time to burnish, though based on the historical foundation, is more of a contemporary fiction with a twist of romance and mystery.

Josh is coerced by his brother Tom, who is confined to wheel chair, to unsnarl the obscurity of the origin of a Chola Bronze in his possession. Disinterested as he is with India and it’s culture, the software professional of American origin realizes that he is in the sea on reaching the humid Chennai. Tom’s friend Vidya comes to guide Josh, who pretends to be a tourist. Chemistry fails to workout between the two of them while Josh tries to conveniently get rid of this intrusion. On Tom’s interference, Vidya accompanies Josh in his quest for truth which in turn becomes a trip of romance, mystery and thrill.

The events are linked sequentially. The amount of research invested by the author is evident through the book. Radhika has spared the readers of boring monologues on the Chola bronzes. Art theft is an unreaped subject in Indian literature, and hence there are unending possibilities, which author has utilized amply.

The Tamil words used in the book warranted a translation which was lacking. I have always cited that I personally don’t fancy a romantic angle in mystery thrillers. It’s been a hackneyed formula that the protagonists who are in pursuit of truth end up falling in love. Making me want to cut the slack is another cliche of an uncle who is commissioner or superintendent. 

The steep curve in the beginning of the book gradually adopts a stagnancy and drops towards the end. Nevertheless the hard work and dedication invested by the author should not be overlooked and hence the plot serves as the refreshing game changer

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

About the author

Radhika Nathan believes in the miracle of words and the rain. Her favorite pastimes include reading, listening to podcasts, and gazing at monsoon clouds.Writing forces her to think and re-examine a point of view or a preconceived notion. Post her debut novel The Mute Anklet, a historical romance with a dash of mystery, Radhika examines the intersection of art, romance, and mystery in A Time To Burnish
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