THC by Manoj.V.Jain-Review

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Name         – THC

Author                  – Manoj.V.Jain
Publisher              – Notion Press
Number of Pages – 204
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 3.5

My Review

THC, not the Tetrahydrocannabinol but the Total Holistic Center. As the name suggest, the institution provides holistic cure to the problems of their inhabitants or patients as they are called. With a different treatment method, the center is what every troubled person look forward to. The center is, as the author put forth, an Utopian idea but we never know one day we will get to hear about similar centers in the near future.

The story is about the three troubled souls- Samar, Sanjaneka and Varun. Samar’s ailment is nicotine addiction and impotence, while Sanjaneka suffers from Genophobia and Arthritis/Osteoporosis. Varun is Insomniac and depressed. Everyone has to deal with the demons of their past Their acquaintance, friendship, quest for redemption is the core story.

The plot is interesting and engaging but the subplots were not as enchanting as the main plot. The main characters are processed and crafted beautifully. Author possess a lucid narrative which is the highlight of the book. The development and interweaving of the subplots to fulfill the main plots is commendable. The should not be judged by it’s cover. The cover gives an impression of a YA Fantasy while the protagonists are far aged and matured than YA. Apart from the imaginary center, rest of the story is more or less reality, hence categorizing the book under contemporary fiction.

The climax came out as a surprising turn off, apparently. The way the story-line proceeded, I expected a better closure for the whole scenario but the way the story ended was amateurish and cliched. Major disadvantage is the price of the book. I couldn’t find any reason to rate it for more than 300 or 350.

My Verdict : a different and imaginative tale, developed well but ended bad and overpriced.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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