Review of Doosra by Vish Dhamija

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Name         – Doosra

Author                  – Vish Dhamija
Publisher              – Rumour Books
Number of Pages – 360
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 175
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Rating : 3.0

Ron Jogani, a jeweller from Mumbai, is in Belgium to buy a
consignment of loose diamonds worth over €10 million. Hours later he’s dead in
his hotel room in Brussels: murdered. The perpetrators are extremely tech-savvy
and have defeated all the CCTV cameras in the hotel… but one concealed camera
in the elevator has snapped one of the guys. When one of the stolen diamonds is
sold in Mumbai, the Belgian Police reach out to their Indian counterparts to
catch the person in the candid-shot.
The case is assigned to DCP
Rita Ferreira. But when Rita and her team track down the man in the photograph
provided by the Belgians, they realise there must have been some slip-up: the
target does not even have a passport – he couldn’t have travelled to Brussels.
And then they discover that a private detective is already following their

My Review

Vish Dhamija is back again with his Rita Ferreira thriller. The plot cannot be counted as unique but with crisp narration and fast paced suspense, author succeeded in pinning the audience to the book. The pace of the story drops in between and again comes back on track towards the end. 
The cover image provide an eerie feeling the murder. There are some loose links in the plot. Author has covered up the cons with his style of narration. The title of the book justifies the plot.
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Vish Dhamija is a crime
fiction author of three bestselling novels : Bhendi Bazaar, Nothing Lasts
Forever and Deja Karma. He is best known for his multi-layered plots,
believable characterisation and captivating storylines. In a recent survey by
eBooks India website, Vish was listed along the top 51 Indian authors you must
follow. Doosra is his fourth novel and the second in the Rita Ferreira series.
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