Review of Stupid Cupid by Ankit Sonthalia

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Name         – Stupid Cupid

Author                  – Ankit Sonthalia
Publisher              -Srishti Publishers
Number of Pages – 195
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
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Rating : 3.5

Engineer? Doctor? Chartered Accountant? Artist? Or something out of the box? 
Students at the cusp of passing out from the high school are often occupied with such considerations and choices. With Suhaan, it was different. He wanted to do nothing. “Go with the flow” had been the motto of his life and he had always given life a chance to make decisions for him. 
It’s only when he starts playing cricket for the college team that his passion is fuelled. He practices hard and gives it his all. But life is still keen on planning Suhaan’s life. When he falls in love with Namrata, he is forced to choose one – passion or love. Will Suhaan make the right choice? Or will life once again call the shots for him? 
Stupid Cupid is a tug of war between dreams and love.

My Review

Romance fiction has been following the preset formula of boy meets girl,  falls in love, wooes her,makes out, gives surprises, fights, makes up and lives happily ever after. I was literally tired of this over worked formula but thankfully Stupid Cupid is a relief from the tiresome repetition. Suhaan Arora’s love life reflects the life of most metrosexual guys that we come across these days. Having a stop gap relation seems audacious to many but fortunately or unfortunately it is not a rarity.
The story is not a mono dimensional puppy romance. Author has shown an academic side, though not prominent. It is good to see a protagonist who follows his passion instead of hovering around girlfriends aimlessly. 
The cricket line is narrated well but the detailed account of the IPL scenario could have cut short wherein the whole storyline in general seems rushed. Two people having sex within hours of their meeting is something beyond my comprehension may be because I am obsolete. Poor character craft is a major flaw of the book. 
Book cover design is good but the title could have been something else.

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Ankit Sonthalia runs a construction business, something that he’s always had the passion for. He is married to Ankita Agarwal, his childhood love interest and lives with her in Surat. He is fond of travelling and exploring new places and does it often. He managed to write Stupid Cupid after scribbling many notes and articles in his personal diary.
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