Review of The story of Hanuman by Maya Dayal and Taposhi Ghoshal (Illustrator)

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Name         – The story of Hanuman

 – Maya Dayal
        Taposhi Ghoshal(Illustrator)

Publisher              – Rupa Publications

Number of Pages – 76

Publishing Year   – 2016

Edition                  –

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 Rating : 5.0

Everyone’s favourite Monkey God is back, in a
delightful avatar! Beautiful illustrations, exciting games and activities and a
fun and engaging narration add to the appeal of this retelling of Hanuman’s
life. Join Hanuman on a rollicking journey from his childhood days when he
tried to eat the Sun, to his helping Ram and Lakshman rescue Sita from Ravana’s
My Review
I love this book because my kids love it. Being a children’s book,
I gave it to my toddler and preschooler.  They were unprecedentedly
hooked the book. In an era when even the parents are unaware of mythology, the
book will be a great treasure to the kids. Kids are in love with the monkey
The story is crafted in such a way that kids are encouraged to
read it. The book is nothing short of a 3D movie. More than the religious 
aspect, it is the cuteness, bravery and righteousness of the monkey god that attracts
the kids. Along with the story, there are several games and mazes which makes
the book the perfect gift for the kids. The book will incite an attachment with
the books at an age as early as two. It is the real ‘paisa vasool’ product.
The highlight of the book is the excellent illustration which is
attractive, lively and positive. It is a perfect gift for your kid.
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this
book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not
required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author
Mala Dayal has been involved with developing, editing and
writing material for children for over forty years. She is the author of Nanak:
The Guru, The Story of Krishna and The Ramayana in Pictures, all published by

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