Russian Tattoos

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Book Name           – Russian Tattoos Obsession

Author                  – Kat Shehata
Publisher              – Limitless Publishing
Number of Pages – 300
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Kindle

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Rating : 3.0


Falling in love isn’t a crime—but falling in love with a Russian mafia boss could be deadly.

Competitive tennis player Carter Cook wants a taste of freedom. Her overprotective father monitors every aspect of her life, so when he becomes employed by Vladimir Ivanov—a sexy Russian with an array of tattoos and an accent that weakens her knees—a bit of danger is within Carter’s grasp. Behind her father’s back, she enjoys spending time with Vladimir at his lavish estate. But is he really the upstanding businessman she believes him to be?

Vladimir Ivanov reigns as godfather of a Russian mafia crime ring.

Vladimir spent five years of his life in a Siberian prison camp and has earned every tattoo inked into his skin. He is a powerful man who gets what he wants, and after stalking the gorgeous tennis player for years—he wants Carter. A little charm melts her heart, and behind the scenes, he orders his henchman to track her every move.

He’s a tattooed stick of dynamite ready to blow at the slightest spark.

As their romance reaches deadly levels, Carter senses something’s not right. When she’s lured into a compromising position at the hands of a shady European drug dealer, she calls in Boris, Vladimir’s right hand man, to rescue her—without telling Vladimir. With his authority questioned, he sets out to teach Carter a lesson about loyalty she’ll never forget.

When Carter realizes she’s in too deep, she must fight for her freedom before the attraction turns fatal.

But the Russian bratva plays for keeps, and Vladimir’s fierce lust to possess her spirals their romance out of control.

My review

Russian tattoos is a dark romance between a mafia kind and a college going girl. As with many love stories of am influential male and an unknown gorgeous female, the story also tells the story of a dominant trait overpowering a helpless lamb in human form. I used to wonder why is there so much of love for stories where in women are mistreated in the name of love, care, possessiveness and protection. The love redefined is beyond my comprehension it seems. I don’t like it when women are helpless creatures.

About the story, I think I need not say much since the blurb itself tells a lot about it. The writing style is good. Language is good. But it failed to excite me. Mainly because the predicament of the female protagonist is unacceptable for me.
Those who love dark romance will love this also

Reviewed for the Xpresso Book Tours

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Kat Shehata’s first career involved caring for exotic, dangerous, and adorable animals as a zookeeper. As an author, Kat weaves her love of animals into her work. She is the co-author of the New York Times bestselling children’s book Animals on the Other Side written with Sylvia Browne.

She is an avid tennis player and spends her free time playing matches in a recreational league in Cincinnati, Ohio. She holds a bachelor’s degree in theatre from Wilmington College, a professional writing certificate from the University of Cincinnati, and a master’s degree in creative writing from Spalding University.

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