Review of The Truth Seeker by Eric Stockwell

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Book Name           : The Truthseeker            
Author                   :       Eric Stockwell  
Publisher               : Create space
Genre :       Fantasy
Number of Pages :   214
Publishing Date    :       march 18-2015
Binding                  :       paperback

Rating : 3.5

This story details your personal journey, through a strange and dangerous pocket-limbo, as recounted by a mysterious narrator that doesn’t reveal him or herself until the very end. Into this harrowing, long-forgotten world you are thrust, encountering maniacal rulers, living nightmares, demons, sardonic inanimate objects and, ultimately, the hero you were always destined to become and forget.

Your adventure starts standing within an oversized, mist-filled, bloody womb and a tall, floating mirror sent by way of invitation. The acceptance of this invitation nearly leads you to your second, and final death, at the hands of a woman you would later come to know as The Goddess. Fortunately, a mysterious nightmare entity makes the fateful decision that you may be the key to stopping her insidious plans once and for all, the eradication of all humanity on earth; the motivations fueling her vicious aim are revealed by the time the story concludes.

This dark benefactor, you eventually come to know as Stalker, absconds you to a cozy living room setting and quickly begins a more careful study of you, in which your previous life’s demise is revealed and your truthseeker and shape shifting abilities are uncovered; throughout this process, you learn that his race is the embodiment of all nightmares by the “higher lifeforms” of earth. Sadly, your how-to-survive session is short lived as demons, in the employ of The Goddess, tear through surrounding portals assailing both of you and knocking you unconscious. You awaken next to a dying Stalker, encircled by mirror portals, within a surreal stonehenge structure. As his final pieces of guidance are offered you, you once again find yourself alone with more questions than answers, and an after-world with a myriad of possibilities.

 My Review

Truthseeker is the story of the journey of fate in search of the Noir, the empress of Nightmarekin. The author builds bastion of fantasy in the readers mind and sets free the boundless imaginations. The book is a perfect gift for the fantasy lovers. The language is crisp and apt to the theme of the book. The teleporting of Fate through the mirrors is interesting to see. The most fascinating character in the book is Timur- A bucket? An anvil? I would call it Fate’s friend. The character build up of Timur is quite interesting. The book is well edited with practically very few mistakes.

Since I am not much keen about reading fantasy books, the book started of with very slow pace but later I was taken into the world of Fate, Timur, Melody. Noir, Stalker, Kirabin, Dominaria and several other characters. The book is a quite lengthy one but most of the fantasy books are long. I doubt that I am the right person to analyze the book since I don’t have much expertise into the genre. Nevertheless I would say that it is an interesting read for the fantasy lovers.

One Liner
A ride through the phantasmic realms of mind with the truthseeker cum a hengebonder.

Avail the book from Amazon

 About the Author

It’s easier to approach this in terms of everything I am not or I have not done. I’ve never traveled the world. Most of my reading experience has been through “required reading” at high school or college level. I can’t even recall the last time I was legitimately debt-free, and the majority of my life has felt like one long string of struggles. If any of the aforementioned sounds like you, know that I’ve been on that same, economy-pleasure cruise with you.

Although I had only recently self-published I’ve been honing my writing craft, off and on, over a number of years. Many of my endeavors lean toward fantasy but my objective, in all my works, is to be thought-provoking. I look forward to entertaining you.

Reviewed for the author
 Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy from the Author in exchange for an honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

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