Venturing into the genres that have not been tapped is like gambling. It could either hit the bestseller chart for the sheer fact that it is a fresh topic. Or it could succumb to the preconceived notion of the readers. Kritika Kapoor took the risk of tapp ...
“I decided to write it as a mark of respect for their stellar work and for the generation of today”, Anirudhya Mitra – Author of 90 Days
It is a breezy morning, a sunny day, and an uneventful evening. All of us have had similar in our lives when it is simple and sweet and "Okay-ish" in millennial lingo. But Anirudhya Mitra is someone who never had time for simple and sweet because he ...
In Conversation with Harish C Rijhwani – Author of 9 to 5 Cubicles
Being in a 9 to 5 job has been considered a boring one but Harish C Rijhwani, the author of 9 to 5 cubicles brought about a different take on white-collar jobs. Today we have the author himself for a virtual tete-a-tete. ...
In Conversation With The Author of The Teenage Chronicles – Saania Saxena
While I was reading Teenage Chronicle, all I was thinking was how could such a young girl possess wordly knowledge and philosophical expertise. I had these questions reeling in my mind when I got a chance to interview the author herself. Yes, today we hav ...
Virtual Tete a Tete with
Smita Das Jain is the author of 'A Slice Of Life' and 'The Lost Identity.' She is a writer by passion and writes every day. Samples of her writing are visible in the surroundings around her- her home office, her sunny terrace garden, her husband’s c ...
Virtual Tête-à-tête With Rahul Saini
Indian authors are expected to write stories that fall within the shackles of morality. Morality that is defined by the masses with a veil of discrimination. When Rahul Saini wrote 'Love to Hurt You', little did he expect the backlash from the ...
Tête-à-tête with Shabnam Minwalla
An author is someone who lives the story he/she writes. The characters, plotline, twists and the climax are born out of unending intellectual tug of war. Today we have one such author who voyages with the characters. She has written numerous childre ...
“I Am A Hybrid Writer,” In Conversation With Vish Dhamija – Author of Prisoners Dilemma, Bhendi Bazaar And Ten More Books
"Indian John Grisham" - The term brings to your mind the face of none other than Vish Dhamija. We saw him master crime fiction, holding the reins of the plot which he maneuvers seamlessly through the twists and surprises. Being at the peak of his career w ...
Sakoon Singh Gets Candid in Outset Virtual Tête-à-tête
Hi My Ousetians, It's been a while since we have met for a tête-à-tête. To start after this long break, we have a wonderful writer. I had compared her writing style to Arundhati Roy in my review of her book In the land of a Lover.It's none other ...
‘I believe you can be anybody you want’, says Warren Stribling, the author of Sin and Zen
It's been a while since I have hosted an interview. Seems like ages now. But the wait was worth it. We got to interview someone who unique in his own way and his literature. Warren Stribling, the author of Sin and ZenHi WarrenWelcome to our virtual tete a ...