The Worst Daughter Ever by Aarti V Raman- Review

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It’s been more than a month since I posted a review. It seems surreal and new to me now. It’s like I am doing this for the first time. To make up for the long hiatus, we will have a few activities and series happening. Will update you all about these soon.

Today the book I am reviewing is written by an author whom I had the opportunity to chit chat during the #WritersCorner activity by WritersMelon. While participating in the activity she came across as a serious character, straight forward and someone who we would look upto.

I expected the book to be about a nearly perfect “miss goody two shoes”. But surprisingly that was not the case.

The character is not only far from “miss goody two shoes” but the troublemaker in the household, whom majority of the housemates despise because she let the can of worms that belong to the family through her book Spectacular. Her cousin Ahalya who was more like sister hates her for what she did and doesn’t leave a chance to pick on her. Her father stopped talking to her two years back. Her only support is her brother but she couldn’t digest his perfect wife who can handle any situation perfectly.

Here is Lasya for the readers. The worst daughter ever.

The Plot is a quintessential chick-lit. It revolves around Lasya and her family, her imperfections and her disappointment. Chakrapani family, which is her paternal family is the prototype of a normal South Indian family. A group of relatives who judge each other, the cousins who love each other and stand by each other through thick and thin but do not shy away from fighting with each other like cats and dogs and LJ aka Lasya, is that black sheep which is mandatorily present in every family. I could relate completely with her because I was that black sheep in my orthodox family who did the blasphemy of falling in love at the age of 16 when the other perfect cousins were undefectable and flawless.
The character craft, as mentioned before is impeccable and realistic. Though some of them were cliche. It reinforced the fact that the characters like these exist in every extended families. Ben’s character is one that stands out. Lasysa’s attraction towards him and her deliberate repulsion due too her notion that he is too good and decent for her makes the book interesting and adds a different color to the scenario.
The narration needs special mention. With an undoubtedly above average style of narration, author proves that women can write contemporary fiction with a swag. How the cousins discuss the topics which are otherwise not allowed in a standard household is portrayed without mincing the words.


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