A Turbulent Tale of Love by Shalu Thakur Dhillon- Review

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Name          – A Turbulent Tale of Love
 Author                 – Shalu Thakur Dhillon
 Publisher              – Invincible Publishers
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Love is selfless.  The beauty of love depends on how forthcoming we are about accepting our loved ones. 

A Turbulent Tale of Love is the story of Nihal and Rabani. Two beautiful personalities. Two characters who are beautiful inside out. Nihal is troubled with the nightmares when he meets a beautiful girl who magically erases the nightmares. Nihal sets out to find the identity of her and manages to find out that her name is Rabani. Coincidentally, he meets her at the airport and manages a seat near to her but Rabani’s guard is up when  strangers tries to be over-friendly with her. How Nihal manages to travel together with her and finally connect with her is beautifully laid out. Further they have to deal with the past that affects their present life. How they overcome the turbulence is the crux of the plot. 

How the romance between Rabani and Nihal develops is interesting to read. Author has made sure that the characters are given enough space to develop. The characters of Neil, Mannat, Rabani’s and Nihal’s fathers are growing through the plot but both mothers are not seen throughout the book and hence their major role in deviating the plot towards the end seemed a bit out of place. The miss goody two shoes character of Rabani was also difficult to digest. A little more realistic side of the protagonists could have been depicted. 

The past of Nihal and how it affects his life further is portrayed convincingly and it is heart-wrenching. The style of narration is the USP of the book however the cover page could have been better. The twists in the tale was more or less predictable but it is interesting to see how the author kept the subplots ready so that everything could fall in place towards the end.


Overall the book is an interesting romantic foray.

Scenario:   4 /5

Narration    :  4.5 /5
Character   : 4  /5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the author

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