Hope and sunshine by Debasmita Nath Ghosh – Review

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Name          – Hope and Sunshine 
 Author                 – Debasmita Nath Ghosh 
 Publisher              – Power Publica
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Is it possible to love two people at the same time? Is true love a mirage? Is it difficult to have a successful long distance relationship? Hope and sunshine by Debasmita Nath is a realistic depiction of deeper emotional tug of war.

Naina Grover is a headstrong talented competitive girl who is the star performer in an MNC. She is the representative of quintessential new generation lass. She knows what she wants in life. She has fought the demons of her past and helps others deal with theirs. In a relationship with Ved, her college mate, Naina is struggling to find a balance of her mind. While trying to figure out the future of her relationship,  Naina meets Aditya, her colleague and her cousin brother Arjun’s friend. Ved lands in a difficult situation when her mother is diagnosed with a fatal disease. Further we see a happening emotional drama.

Naina’s character had different shades and hence most realistic. The confusion in her mind is the reflection of every girl’s life. The friendship between Naina, Aditya and Arjun is the life of the whole plot. Another interesting part is Naina’s relation with her mausi. In spite of the fact that most girls are more attached to their aunts, the depth of the relation is an unreaped plot in Indian literature and hence refreshing too. The narration is vernacular and hence brilliant on author’s part to make it in first person.  What makes the book stand out is the time it takes to evolve Naina’s feelings. This makes the book quite relatable.

The plot takes off in a cold phase. The narration consumes a warm up time to get into the groove. The character of Naina too takes time to develop. Aditya and Arjun’s characters are both on the spot while Ved’s character needed more space probably a chapter on the third person narrative. The overall frame of the plot is predictable. Naina’s past and it’s influence in her present and future life is a subplot which had a lot of possibility and hence could have worked on more. Overall a round of developmental edit would have made the book way better


A realistic tale of a quintessential new generation lass.

Scenario:   3.5 /5
Narration    :  3 /5
Character   :  4.5 /5
Entertainment Quotient: 4/5

This review is in return of a free book from the author   

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