The Secret of the Sculptures by Monika Thakur- Review

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Name          – The Secret of the Sculptures
 Author                 – Monika Thakur
 Publisher              – Notion Press
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India has a very rich history and culture. Hence historical fiction and historical fantasy never fails to provide subjects to the writers. Author Monika Thakur has come up with a very interesting and unique interpretation of the history and sculptures.

Aditi and Maitreyi are best friends. Little did they know that their visit to Aditi’s college would land them up in a controversial situation where they are prime suspects. They get involved in the theft of a priceless sculpture.

The book is a mix of different genres. The book could be categorised as a historical fiction, romance, fantasy and thriller. The multifarious genres and sub plots are connected seamlessly thereby giving the readers a magnificent literary experience. The pace of the book is quite fast and author has succeeded in maintaining the interest of the readers by switching the scenarios at the right time. The new characters that are introduced in between merge in with the plot. The fantasy experience of the girls is brief yet engaging. Initially it might look like unwanted but further the scenario justifies itself towards the climax.
The tiny wave of romance in the plot makes it interesting. Author has made sure that it doesn’t go overboard so as to affect the mood of the book. The narration is above average but occasionally switches from a professional to amateur one, which could have rectified with a round of editing.


Overall the book is unique, engaging and refereshing.

Scenario:   4 /5

Narration    :   4/5
Character   :  4.5 /5
Entertainment Quotient: 4.5/5

This review is in return of a free book from the author.

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