Willpower by Ros Taylor- Review

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Name          – Willpower
 Author                 – Ros Taylor
 Publisher              – Capstone(A Wiley Brand)
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My Review
Rating : 4.0

Will power and determination are the two key points in success. Eventhough we all know this, it is quite difficult to follow and attaining the willpower needs a lot of perseverance. Ros Taylor, through her book willpower gives the readers the right message to attain the level of willpower.

The book takes off with the will power challenge to assess our level of willpower categorises them into learners of 4 styles. Authoress tells the readers how to have the willpower to attain a goal as well as get rid of a habit. The book gives us systematic and scientific analysis of our inability to attain the will power and at the same time provide the steps to attain the same. The book is educative and inspirational. It is more of an academic book than self-help book. 

To attain willpower, achieving the willpower mindset is the most important. The chapter new habits for old is my favorite of which Ego states is the most relevant one. The three step model of habit formation is something that I could carry with me for years and generations ahead.

The book is a must have in your library for it would be helpful to everyone irrespective of their age, status or generation.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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