Fear is the Key by Juggi Bhasin

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Name          – Fear is the Key
 Author                 – Juggi Bhasin
 Publisher              – Penguin India
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My Review
Rating : 4.0

A crazy new generation firm where the employees come to office in flip flops and shorts. The Yummimages, wherein people flush out their frustrations, become the talk of the time and flourishes in no time. Nevertheless a minor mistake by one of the employees affect the firm to such an extend that the co-owners Rahul and Suheil had to do several gimmicks to clear the mess. While they somehow manages to get back into the right track, Simone, the star employee of the firm disappears into thin air. In order to make matters worse, the tiff between Simone and Suheil is unerathed by the investigating officer who leaves no chance to pull them down. Rahul,who had been dating Simone fall into depression and starts hallucinating. However, he gains his composure and sets out to find the secret that he was unaware of, which brings him to three persons- Usman, Fredo and Dubey who had been directly or indirectly connected to Simone. 

The book is crafted in such a way that, as a reviewer, I might contradict myself. At one point, the graphic details of the making out sequences were unwanted and pulled down the book to the level of a B-grade erotica. On the other hand, at a different level, to depict the characters of Usman, Fredo, Dubey and Rahul himself, some of the sequences were inevitable. The book can be misleading and eye opening at the same time. How it reaches to the readers depends on the perspective that the readers would like to establish in their psyche.

There are a lot of scenarios which are thought provoking like a driver making himself available in the same location so that he can get acquainted with a woman, or an innocent faced boy who gains the trust so that he can carryout his lecherous desires and so on and so forth. The climax however failed to impress me. There is indeed a twist but it was well expected. The highlight of the book would be the interactions between Rahul and Tanya. 

The book cover needs a special mention. Now a days publishers take random pictures from shutterstock for the book cover. In such a scenario a hand gripping a shard tool in the blue background with the title Fear is the Key surely sends the right message forcing the reader to pick up the book because whatever the saying says, we still judge a book with its cover.

This review is in return of a free book from writersmelon

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