Different beads of the same string by Sujay Malik- Review

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Name          – Diffferent Beads of the same string
 Author                 – Sujay Malik
 Publisher              – Notion Press
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My Review
Rating : 4.0

The slush pile in publishing business is known to every one who is privy to the industry. The book by Sujay Malik proved the same. Keeping the bestsellers from top publishers as reference, if this book needed to be self published, then the acceptance of proposal and the rest of the steps need to be considered as a farce. The level of literary finesse possessed by the author is at par or more with any other bestselling authors.

Different Beads of the same string is a collection of short stories depicting different streams of life. The stories basically portrays the discrimination in society towards the helpless class in terms of money, caste, physical ability and the likes. The narration keeps the readers engrossed in the lives of different characters. Be it Anahita’s affection towards Sarang, Swini’s relation with Mansoor, Molly’s struggle against Racial and Gender discrimination, or Gandhali and Sohail’s silent affair, author has touched a chord in the heart of the readers that keep on resonating for hours and days after reading.

Lack of prejudice is the highlight of the book, though the finesse of narration too scores high. Author did not put down any political or religious groups unlike what is seen of late in the books where authors use the medium to criticize and being biased. The stories shouts out to the society to open their eyes without screaming loud. Author proved that, to be a socially responsible writer, we need not belittle anyone or use offensive storylines but without undue diplomacy.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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