The Perfect Murder

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Name         – The Perfect Murder

Author                  – Ruskin Bond
Publisher              – Rupa Publications
Number of Pages – 167
Publishing Year   -2016
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 5.0

My Review

A collection of short stories, rather murder mysteries that are authored by Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe, Ruskin Bond and several other talented authors- What else can a mystery lover can ask for. Writing a murder mystery is a step by step process. First the characters and the circumstances need to be established. Next the murder scenario need to be explained. Next the suspense element to be sustained. Next a perfect climax need to be crafted. Delivering all these in a short story is not an easy job. A group of extremely talented writers proved that impossible is nothing.

While I started the book, I was curious to see how it is possible to craft murder mysteries in such an abstract format but I was surprised to see that each stories were synonyms of excellence. While the title story is the attempt of two brothers to execute a perfect murder. The anti-climax is tragic yet funny.

The stories cannot be tagged as brain-racking since, by the time we rack our brains the tales would be over. The book can be completed in a day or two. They are short yet not easy reads since establishing the crimes require out uncompromising attention. The books cannot be based on whether we were able to guess the culprit or whether the supense is complicated. It need not be forgotten these stories were written by authors who were born before independence and we should keep in mind that they pulled off these plots in that era. The authors whom we follow now would have surely taken inspiration from them.

Hence read this book as a collection of classics.

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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