Watch Out! No Touch by K Krishna- Review

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Name         – Watch Out! No Touch

Author                  -K. Krishna
Publisher              – Scholastic
Number of Pages – 24
Publishing Year   – Hardcover
Edition                  – 199

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Rating : 4.5

My Review

Child abuse is a major stress for the parents with kids. We cannot always guard them wherever they go, especially schools. Child abuse in school is like an everyday instance in our newspapers and channels and we keep on wondering if our kids are actually safe or is there anything they hide.

Watch out! No Touch is like a friends who helps us in dealing with the dilemma. The major case with child abuse cases is that kids are often silenced by the abusers by blackmailing. The book does the job by making our kids understand the complicated issue with the help of a simple and colorful story. The pictures are colorful and educative. Even my four year old son could comprehend what the story meant, from the pictures.

The part about good touch and bad touch deserves special mention. Connecting the same with a swim suit helps to overcome the awkwardness that the parents might feel while explaining the same.
Along with the message the books also helps the kids with vocabulary and incites the interest in reading.

Overall the book is an entertaining and educative package

This review is in return of a free book from the publisher  

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