Review of Peshwa by Ram Sivasankaran

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Name         – Peshwa

Author                  -Ram Sivasankaran
Publisher              – Westland
Number of Pages – 356
Publishing Year   – 2016
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 350
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Rating : 4.5

It is the 18th century and despite the dominant Mughal rule, the Maratha Confederacy has established itself as a force to be reckoned with in the Indian Subcontinent. The fragile peace between the two powers is threatened when Balaji Vishvanath Bhat, Peshwa of the Confederacy, foils the plans of Nizam Ul Mulk of the Mughal Empire, and asserts the power of the Marathas. However, little does the Peshwa know that he has dealt the Nizam an unintended wound—one with roots in his mysterious past and one that he would seek to avenge till his last breath.
When the Peshwa surrenders his life to a terminal illness dark clouds gather over the Confederacy as it is threatened by a Mughal invasion as well as an internal rebellion.
All the while a passive spectator, the Peshwa’s son, Bajirao Bhat, now needs to rise beyond the grief of his father’s passing, his scant military and administrative experience, and his intense love for his wife and newborn son to rescue everything he holds dear. Will the young man be able to protect the Confederacy from internal strife and crush the armies of the Empire all while battling inner demons? Will he live up to his title of Peshwa?

My Review

After watching the movie Bajirao Mastani, I wanted to know more about Bajirao the ruler rather that the lover. The wish was granted when I got hold of Peshwa.

The life of Bajirao is depicted in a different light. A prologue which provides a peek through the past is exemplary. The narration is the main highlight of the book. It enables the reader in visualizing the events.  It’s refreshing to see the protagonist’s passion towards  his wife.
The historical events depicted with the chronological account is praiseworthy.
Overall I loved the book and I recommend this to all Ancient Indian History lovers.
Reviewed for the Writers melon
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I waas not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Ram Sivasankaran was born in Madras, India, but has spent most of his life abroad, largely in the Middle East and the United Stated of America. He was brought up on stories from Hindu legend and the great epics and classics of both India and the West. In addition to being a passionate student of history in school, Ram has built a keen interest in stories of valour, heroism, chivalry, beauty, and romance.
A daydreamer of sorts, Ram believes deeply in the power of imagination—the mind being the canvas on which even the seemingly talentless can create new universes, resurrect eras long gone, bring the gods to life and even revive heroes and damsels of yore. Ram makes his debut with a historical novel on one of the greatest and yet, to an extent, less known figure from Indian history—Bajirao Bhat, Peshwa of the Maratha Confederacy, mighty warrior, hopeless romantic and one of the most dazzling examples of wartime courage, military readership and battle strategy.
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