Review of No safe zone by Adite Banerjie

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Name         -No Safe Zone

Author                  -Adite Banerjie
Publisher              – Harper Collins
Number of Pages -200 pages
Publishing Year   -2016
Edition                  -Paperback
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Rating : 4.0

Qiara Rana will do anything to save her mentor and their non-government
organization from ruin. Even if it means visiting the city she had vowed never
to return to. But within a few hours of landing in New Delhi, she is being
chased by a gunman and is a potential suspect in the murder of a high-profile
businessman. The only person she can turn to for help is Kabir Shorey, the man
who stood her up ten years ago. Past and present collide in a deadly plot of
crime and greed that moves from the cosmopolitan streets of Delhi to the bazaars
and villages of Rajasthan.

My Review

Being tired of the cliched love stories. I had reached a point where in I seriously thought of giving up the genre itself. But No Safe Zone proved that there are still some love stories which are unique,  and sincere.
The relation between the protagonists is depicted such a way that the readers get involved.  Authoress proved that it is possible to portray romance without being filmy.  The narration is exemplary. The title of the book itself is a suspense. The book takes off in a  slow pace but gains the momentum and towards the end the story becomes thrilling.
There is still true love in literature.
Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Adite Banerjie’s
first short story was the winner of the Harlequin India Passions Aspiring
Authors Contest (2012). Her debut title, The Indian Tycoon’s Marriage Deal
(December 2013), was based on the winning entry. No Safe Zone is her third

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