Review of Complete/Convenient by Ketan Bhagat

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Name         – Complete/Convenient

Author                  – Ketan Bhagat
Publisher              – Rumour Books
Number of Pages – 384
Publishing Year   – 2013
Edition                  – Paperback
                    – 139
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Rating : 4.0

Have you ever heard of any NRI who: Hasnt washed dishes and vacuumed
carpets Hasnt missed any of his friends/ family members wedding in India Doesnt
watch Indian movies, no matter how long he has been outside India Hasnt been to
a striptease Doesnt indulge in Indian food whenever he visits India on a
vacation Do you know any Indian who: Hasnt thought of moving out of India for a
better, safer life Isnt fed up of the scams, traffic jams, filth, noise, crowd
and crime that are part of everyday life Isnt tired of attending endless
weddings, festivals, birthdays, farewells, parties, lunches and dinners that
happen almost every second day in India Has never envied (secretly or openly)
his friend / family member living outside India Hasnt wondered what makes NRIs
return to India Welcome to the world of Kabir newly married and newly arrived
in Sydney, hoping to live the glamorous and sophisticated life he has always
dreamt of. After all, a life without frantic competition, traffic jams, queues,
dirt, corruption and social obligations (read evils) can be refreshingly
convenient. Professional success, new friends, a sincere boss… everything
seems to be going just fine. But doesnt this sound too good to be true? Coming
straight from the horses mouth, Complete/ Convenient is a roller coaster ride
through emotions and experiences as they really are and as you imagine them to

My Review

After completing the book I was wondering why this book took so long to reach me! Better late than never. Realistic is the word that comes to mind when I think of this book. Each instance, each dialogue in the book seemed so realistic that it was difficult to believe that it is actually fiction. 

Diversity of characters is one of the commendable features of the story. The tug of war between love for the family as well as nation and the convenience of life abroad is conveyed well. Right from the beginning, author has consistently maintained the humor without a tinge of exaggeration. Political jugglery in IT firms is known to even laymen but the realistic illustration of the same makes the reader live through it. While portraying the gravity of the rift between daughter-in-law and mother in law, readers can see that both are actually good at heart and stood with each other in crisis. Every child or teenager or grown up man who think that they would be better of without parents or family should read this book. Relationship between parents and children, friends, siblings, husband and wife and colleagues are portrayed well with a beautiful message.Narration is simple but which bestseller romance has standard English? Well this one is not bad.

The third part of the story titled Flashback was unwanted and tad stretched.Also, the reason behind Myra’s unwillingness to comeback, though grave, did not reach the reader with intended intensity, may be because of lack of details as to who is who. 
The book left me wondering why this book did not create much buzz, or did it.

Reviewed for the publisher
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a
complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write
a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Professionally, Ketan
joined Satyam Computer Services (the company that Mr Ramalinga Raju made both
famous and infamous) post his MBA from Narsee Monjee Institute in 2001. After a
1.5 year stint of trying to learn programming and Tamil, destiny finally took
mercy on the young, frustrated North Indian and made Satyam show him little bit
of the world – 2 years in Malaysia, 9 months in NZ and 4 years in Australia.
About 2 years ago, he moved back to India. Currently he works as a regional
sales manager at an MNC in Mumbai. Creative at heart, Ketan has done stints in
Television (anchor, script writer) and Print (articles in national dailies)
during his college days. Few years ago, he helped his brother script a
Bollywood movie.
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