Review- Kashmir House by Vikram Dhawan

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Book Name           – Kashmir House

Author                  – Vikram Dhawan
Publisher              – Frog Books
Number of Pages – 216
Publishing Year   – 2015
Edition                  – Paperback

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Rating : 5.0


“A society is judged by how they treat their women and, a country is judged by how they treat their brave.” An ego tussle between a politician and a bureaucrat perils Deep Assets inside the enemy territory. A holocaust survivor borrows knowhow from slayers of his family for profit. An honourable leader challenges the Witches & Wizards of the system. An atheist adversary who strikes in the name of god. Kashmir, a playground for settling scores.

My review

When I was a teenager, I used to grab classic books to show that I am a serious reader. If I had gotten Kashmir House at that time, I would have grabbed it then not only to show others but for myself as well. I would like to add a disclaimer that my review might be biased because of my Nationality. 

Yes, I am a proud Indian. I love my nation notwithstanding all the drawbacks we ourselves tag to her. Same with the book. It might be having negatives but my eyes were blinded due to the surge of patriotism stirred inside. 
The book deals with several dimensions of Geo political scenario. 

The story is highly inflammable. Author touched the right cords in the heart of every reader especially if the reader is an Indian. The title is very catchy. 

Author adapted a narrative style of a screenplay. An unputdownable book. I would dare to say that this is one of the best books released in 2015?

I could not comprehend the climax though. I presume author is planning to come up with a sequel. If that was the case, it could have been mentioned in the book. The book cover is another let down. The illustration was good but the white background gave the impression of an ARC. 

I am stuck between 4.5 and 5. Well, for my India and Kashmir, I would go for a five star. Hopefully author will come up with a sequel

One Liner

I love this book.

Reviewed for the publisher

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book as a complimentary copy in exchange for a honest review. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

About the author

Born in the seventies, to parents whose families fled to india from Pakistan in 1947 after the Partition, Vikram Dhawan grew up in northern India in the eventful 70s and 80s. Playing in the trenches still around many years after the 1971 war, garish sterilisation campaigns, and silent Emergency days, are some of his earliest childhood memories. Vikram is well-travelled, well-read and passionate about world history and is inspired by personal experiences of soldiers, spies and survivors of wars across the globe.
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