
Moms in The Wild by Nidhi Raichand – Brutally Honest, Sarcastically Rich

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 If you have been following me for a while, you would know
about y initiative Moms of Kochi. When I was reading the book, I was surprised
to see how the mom’s community across India is similar. Having been a part of
the mom influencer groups, parents’ groups of kids, and also moms of Kochi, I
found the book relatable at various strata. Moms in the Wild is a murder
mystery cum women’s fiction cum contemporary fiction.

Moms in the wild by Nidhi Raichand

 Moms in the Wild by Nidhi Raichand

The plot begins with the murder of Natasha Babani, a celebrity mom, who has been instrumental in the Clean Ahalya initiative. SnehaTalwar, a young journalist discovers her body when she goes to her residence for her debut interview. Having encountered many moms living around and being involved with Natasha, Sneha is introduced to a new world of competition among mothers about bethe st school for their child to the most popular mother. While Sneha is in the process of writing a posthumous post about her, the news of the possibility that Natasha’s death is a murder arises.  

Though the tribute is published amidst the hush-hush about her death, Sneha is disappointed with the cold response.  She writes another post under the influence of the transpiring circumstances. The second half of the plot is about how this goes down with the mom’s fraternity and the speculations about Natasha’s murder. 


The book is relatable to me at various levels. Be it Natasha’s initiative or the politics inside the school or having a community – I have been everywhere Nidhi Raichand has touched. I could relate closely to Natasha’s works with mine in terms of Moms of Kochi. Though I am not having a glamorous social media profile, the relationships of Natasha with fellow mothers are closely relatable and hence left me wondering how the author has come so close to reality. Probably the mom’s life is the same everywhere.
The author has deftly woven the mystery around Natasha’s character. The plot begins with Natasha’s demise but she is alive throughout the book. While the readers are connecting with Natasha’s past, the author simultaneously makes them travel along with Sneha’s present. 
The vileness of the unforgiving social media, the baselessness of the rat race, the superficial relations – the author has, directly and indirectly, pointed out the pros and cons of the society.

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