Sinners by Sourabh Mukherjee- Book#2 #2020Marathon

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Stories related to the corporate world has always enticed the readers. Corporate thrillers are trending in the world of literature. The Sinners is one such addition to the corporate thrillers.

A decadent womanizer drunk on power, a wife battling her demons to hold the family together, a jilted lover who swears revenge, the best-friend-turned-foe in the corporate jungle, a seductive temptress whose charms none can escape, a ruthless business rival, the shadow of a sinful past – all come together to make The Sinners an unputdownable read.

There have been a lot of real and fictional stories wherein the tale of a stratagem womanizer bose who tries to get his things done by hook or crook. Each and every instance in the book is crafted in an awesome-sauce fashion that the readers will process the twists and turns to a point that they will be forced to get hooked to the book till the climax.

The plot revolves around Vikram Oberoi who is a street smart person who has taken the firm to a next level but his philandering habits become an impediment in his growth both professionally and personally. Vikram’s efforts and talent has no effect of late to control the problems faced by the firm. What is happening in his personal and professional life? Who is trying to break and finish Vikram Oberoi?
The thrilling suspenseful story tells us the answer to these questions.

The characters are crafted well. The plot is also closely knit. All through the book, the readers keep on guesssing who is the one wearing the mask. Somewhere down the line, almost the mid-second half of the book, it could be somehow guessed by the readers. The plot develops in a strong fashion but the backstory lacks mettle and pulls down the depth and pace of the plot.

Overall the book is an engaging cliffhanger.

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